Emmaus Baptist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
God's Witness on Emmaus Church Road for over 130 Years!

About Us

How could we describe ourselves? 
We are like you.  We have people from all walks of life participating in our fellowship.  Whether you come from the city or the country, the business or the farm, you will find a family that will love you here.
In doctrine we are a traditional Southern Baptist Church and we affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
In style we are also traditional with a choir and traditional format but we regularly have special music with varying styles.
In dress, you will find everything from jeans to casual dress to suits and ties.
It is our desire that God uses us to reach all people.  This means no matter what your background, race, age, or wealth, city or country, we want to be here for you and to share the love of Christ with you.